About project

“Visualizing the Sacred: A Register of Academic Painters, Icon-Painters and Wood-Carvers Who Worked in the Churches of Sofia (1878–1944)” is a project of the Institute of Art Studies implemented with the financial support of Sofia’s Culture – 2021 Program. In the first stage of the project a digital register was made providing systematized information about academic painters, icon-painters and wood-carvers who have worked in the churches on the territory of the present-day city of Sofia in the period from Bulgaria’s Liberation to the mid-20th century. The second component of the platform is a digital library arranged around the topic of Christian culture in Bulgaria during the same period.

The information collected thanks to the project enables, via its digital form, researchers, pupils, students and amateurs to take a closer view of the history of church art in the capital from the first half of the 20th century. The platform is developed with options for supplementing the database with new texts and images.

The Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is the only specialized scientific research institution in Bulgaria for developments in the field of the Ancient, Medieval and Contemporary artistic culture. The scientific set of problems is focused both on the collection and preservation of information materials and on the analysis of artistic phenomena related to the centuries-old Bulgarian heritage and its specific role in the construction of the European culture.


Asst. Prof. Darina Boykina, PhD

art historian

Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Asst. Prof. Vesselina Yontcheva, PhD

art historian

Institute of Art Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


copy-editor: Tereza Bacheva
translation Atanas Igov
logo design: Daniel Nechev
web design & development: MG Lab
seo: SEOble Ltd.

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